
Privacy Policy

In compliance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) and any other Data Protection law of the jurisdictions of our foreign affiliated companies, we make the following privacy notice available to you.

This notice applies to the extent that you are a (i) visitor of the website of our foreign affiliated companies, (ii) a User of the Platform of our affiliated companies, (iii) and agree to the Terms and Conditions, AML Policy and any other document or contract that our foreign affiliated companies have entered with you.

The terms that are not explicitly defined in the PDPL or in this document will have the meaning attributed to them by the Terms and Conditions and the AML Policies of our foreign affiliated company that have entered a contract with you. We reserve the right to issue separate notices or policies, to the extent they relate to specific holders, such as our employees, vendors, and/or business partners.

As affiliates whom can access your personal data, we reserve the right to modify the content of this notice at any time. Changes to this notice will be notified to you by sending an email, a pop-up notification on the Website of our foreign affiliates or by posting on said Website with a numerical code that identifies the current version (“V.1.0”, “ V.1.1”, “V.1.2”, “V.2.0”, etc.). The corresponding modifications will enter into force from the day following the day on which you became aware of them.


Rampa Labs Incorporated
221 River Street, 9th Floor - #6089, Hoboken, NJ 07030


  • Rampa Labs Incorporated does not serve U.S. customers.
  • Rampa Labs Incorporated does not have offices, employees or operations in the U.S.
    • The Company was created for the sole purpose of opening accounts with U.S. banks and cryptocurrency exchanges (the “Exchanges”) to facilitate transactions on behalf of its foreign affiliates.


Rampa Blockchain, SAPI de CV (“Rio”)
Av. Lázaro Cárdenas 2400, B-51, San Pedro Garza García, N.L., Mexico 66260
Rampa Machu S.A.C. (”Rio”)
Calle General la Fuente 393, dpto 102, San Isidro, Lima, Peru


We may receive and/or transfer your personal data to (i) our parent companies, controllers, subsidiaries, affiliates, affiliates and, in general, to any person or company that belongs to our same group, to the extent that said persons operate under the same internal processes and policies regarding the processing of personal data; (ii) Business Partners of our foreign affiliates, authorized agents to receive or deliver Fiat Money and payment processors, engines or aggregators; (iii) service providers for monitoring, supervision, reporting and generation of transactional alerts; (iv) providers of custody, storage, transfer, liquidity or promotion services for Virtual Assets (Stablecoins); (v) financial entities that request information to identify or verify the origin or source of our resources; (vi) control or supervisory authorities; and (vii) acquirers of all or a portion of our business or its assets, as part of a reorganization, merger, spin-off, or purchase.

In the event that you do not agree with the transfer of your data in the terms established above, send us an email to that effect with the subject line “NEGATIVE - Personal Data”.


We, or our foreign affiliates collect personal data when:

  • You visit our foreign affiliates Website, use our our foreign affiliates Platform or any of the interfaces that our foreign affiliates insert, embed or connect to third-party sites or platforms through APIs, iframes or similar mechanisms;
  • You create a user account with our foreign affiliate or otherwise enter into a contract with Us; either
  • You contact our foreign affiliate through our our foreign affiliates means of contact, social networks or other direct means of electronic communication;
  • You carry out transactions on our foreign affiliates Platform.


I. Visitors to our foreign affiliates Website or Platform:

  • Computing: the type of domain you use to connect to the Internet, the IP address assigned to your device, geolocation, access information; date and time of access to our foreign affiliates Website and our foreign affiliates Platform; previously or subsequently visited pages; unique device identifiers, type of browser or browser used, operating system; search engine used and the keywords used to find our foreign affiliates Website or Platform.
  • The use and treatment of cookies is detailed at the end of this document, in a section specially incorporated for this purpose.

II. Platform Users of our foreign affiliates:

  • The information collected from visitors to our foreign affiliates Website or our foreign affiliates Platform, referred to in item I above;
  • Contact: names, surnames, telephone numbers, emails and addresses.
  • Identity: nationality, place and date of birth, gender and biometric data (for proof of life and authentication).
  • Credentials: the information that can be extracted from your official identification, Federal Taxpayer Registry code or tax identifier and Unique Population Registry Code or citizen identification number.
  • Professional: details about your employment, occupation, business activity or source of income.
  • Patrimonial or financial information: transactional profile, income level, salary, account number, CLABE and the balance, balance or transactional history associated with your addresses or Wallets, as well as the number and type of Virtual Assets (Stablecoins) associated with them .
  • Regulatory: information that we request under the AML Policy of our foreign affiliates or the legislation on the prevention of operations with resources of illegal origin.


1. Primary Purpose:

  1. Offer you and allow you to create a User account with our foreign affiliates through which you can access the services our foreign affiliates offer, including the purchase and sale of Virtual Assets (Stablecoins);
  2. Identify yourself, authenticate yourself, generate your user file, keep said file updated and comply with current regulations on the prevention of money laundering, financing of terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and tax evasion;
  3. Identify and keep updated your profile that was created with our foreign affiliates, your interests and your transactional history regarding Virtual Assets (Stablecoins).

2. Secondary Purpose:

  1. Offer you updates, notices, news, promotions or advertising that may be of interest to you, in relation to own goods or services as well as those of third parties;
  2. Evaluate the quality of our foreign affiliates goods or services, your user experience interacting with them and enable the continuous improvement of our foreign affiliates Platform; and
  3. Use your data for marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting purposes.

At any time you can express your refusal for your data to be processed to achieve secondary purposes, by sending us an email to that effect with the subject "REFUSAL - Personal Data". The email must include your legible, complete and current official identification as an attachment. The response and follow-up will be made to the email from which you sent the message.


As the affiliates of the owners of your personal data, you acknowledge that:

  1. You have read and understood this privacy notice;
  2. You grant your consent regarding the processing of your personal data in the terms established here, including the transfers referred to in the previous section;
  3. The use of the website of our foreign affiliates, the social networks and the applications or programs that our foreign affiliates have developed constitute tacit confirmations of your consent to the provisions of this privacy notice. In the event that you do not consent to the processing of your personal data in the terms described in this document, refrain from using said websites, networks and applications and delete them from your device immediately.

You can revoke your consent at any time. To do this you must send us an email that must contain as an attachment your valid, legible and complete official identification and in its body you must indicate the causes that motivate the revocation. The response and follow-up to your request will be made to the email from which you sent the message.

In the event that you wish to limit the use or disclosure of any of your data, you must send us an email in which you must include the personal data whose treatment you wish to limit, the reasons for which you wish to limit them, as well as your official identification. If your request is appropriate, we will register you on our exclusion list.


Under the terms of the law and this privacy notice, you have the right to: (i) know what personal data we and/or our foreign affiliates process and the purposes of its processing (right of access); (ii) request the correction of your personal data in case they are outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (right of rectification); (iii) request that your personal data be removed from our records or databases when you consider that they are not being used properly (right of cancellation); and (iv) to oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (right to opposition) (together, the “ARCO” rights).

ARCO rights can be exercised at any time by sending an email to which you must attach your complete, valid and legible official identification.

The email must have the subject “ARCO Law Practice” and must include the following information and documentation:

  1. Your full name and the email to which you want us to communicate the answer;
  2. Your current official identification and, where appropriate, the documents that prove the legal representation of the owner;
  3. The express mention of the right that you wish to exercise and, where appropriate, a clear and precise description of the personal data involved;
  4. The description of the reasons that support or justify the exercise of the corresponding ARCO right; and
  5. Any other element or document that facilitates the follow-up of your request.

When appropriate, we will respond to your request by means of an email addressed to the email that you have indicated for this purpose, within the periods indicated in the applicable legislation for this type of rights. In the case of the right of access, we will attach to the reply email the electronic documents that contain the information you have requested, in any format that allows us to export the information you have requested from our databases.


Cookies are a feature of web browser software that allows web servers to recognize the device used to access a certain website. A cookie is a small text file downloaded to your device when you visit a site that allows the site to remember your actions and preferences (login, language, font size, and other display preferences) over time, to so you don't have to adjust them when you get back.

By using our foreign affiliates Website or Platform you express your consent to the treatment of cookies, web beacons and other automatic technologies. If you do not agree with the above, you can update the settings of your browser, browser or device to block or eliminate cookies, but keep in mind that this may affect the way in which our foreign affiliates Website or Platform is displayed on your device, as well as considers that some cookies are strictly necessary for their proper functioning.